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The first time you use the Data Krypter you'll be asked to enter a master password.  This will prevent unauthorized access to the software.  Every time you start the software you will be asked to enter the master password.  Also, all your private keys will be encrypted using your master password.  So do not share it with anyone.

To setup how you prefer The Data Krypter to operate, click the Settings icon. Change the settings then click Save or press the Enter key.

Type your full name in the Name box. (first and last names, possibly with a middle initial or name)
You public/private keys will have your name and a number.  (file formats are explained here)

In order to prevent someone from using The Data Krypter you should close it, whenever you leave your computer.
In case you forget to do so, you should also set it to automatically close if it's idle for a time. (The maximum idle time is 12 hours.)

When viewing/editing an encrypted file you should close it, whenever you leave your computer.
In case you forget to do so, you should set the view/edit window to automatically close a certain time after it is opened.

Deleting a file/folder does not actually delete the data, so someone could still access it with the right software. When the data is also deleted it is called securely erasing it. When encrypting a file/folder you have the option of securely erasing the original copy.  This involves over-writing the files with random bytes a certain number of times before deleting it.  Select how many passes you want the software to do that.

You may want a copy of all encrypted files to be stored in a specific folder.  (e.g. for backup purposes, like storing them in Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive.)

Changing Your Master Password:
If you think your master password has been compromised, you should change it.  Please call us and we'll explain how to do that.
Note: you will need to know your current master password to pick a new one.

© 2024 Nuverb Systems Inc.          "Software Tailored for You"